Tips On How To Start Learning Figure Ice Skating

Figure skating ice. Does something to you?

Cooping you throughout the day mugging or even hated sports? Or simply lying in your
comfortable sofa bed and a couch potato?

Why not try ice skating? As noted in my previous article, figure skating ice is so different from ice hockey.
Let me tell you how to start from scratch.

1. Ask friends if they like ice skating. If so, tell them to bring you to ice skating
rink and have fun. Otherwise, make a visit to the rink. It will certainly be useful or coaches souls around you help with the first few laps.

2. Start building your interest in visiting the skating rink more often. You can ask your friends company. However, if they are not interested in learning figure
ice skating, do not force them.

3. Get ready for figure skating ice beginner. You do not need to buy your figure skating ice and other footwear
other accessories that your gloves yet.
This figure skating beginner course has five stages (Singapore).

a. Pre-race alpha

2 feet, gliding

Balancing one foot Glider

Swizzling front and rear

Wiggling back

b. Alpha course

Before stroking

Before liaison

Snowplow stop

v. Beta race

Previous caress

Link rear


d. Gamma race

Left and right outside of turn three

Left and turn right onto Mohawk

Hockey stop

e. Delta race

Left and right turn within three

The inside and outside board

Bunny Hop

Pull the duck


Take note that the above course is for beginners, therefore, may be included skills
needed to build the foundations of an ice hockey player. However, learning as a part of figure skating ice is not too bad.