Most people do not realize how important it is to use equipment that is well suited for skiing. The wrong equipment can cost you an arm and a leg or at least the use of for some time with pins and steel rods in bones and is covering your members. It is important to have a good fit for your boots your jacket. Good size ski is also very important and most of all it is important to stretch before you slopes so you are not sprawled later in the day waiting for the ambulance and a stretcher instead .
Indeed, each of us as we hit the Middle Ages as always think of ourselves as adolescents with massive quantities of energy and invincibility, even if we know that is no longer reality . 30 minutes of stretching and exercise will help greatly reduce your chances of pain God forbid a serious injury, air transport and medical costs expensive. Not to mention the aggravation to limit and / or loss of their work.
If you want to be a runway on fire and taking some risks, it makes sense to stack the deck in your favor before you go balls to the wall. Good equipment and proper heating with stretching exercises will make all the difference in the world. So play it safe and go ballistic. Consider all this in 2008/2009.